Wilson, 19, who was seriously injured in the Feb. 5 tornado that hit the Union campus, is at home in Hixson, Tenn., and is doing physical therapy on an outpatient basis. He goes to the hospital every day for about an hour.
“I went a lot faster in inpatient therapy than they thought I would, as far as muscle strength,” Wilson said.
Wilson, a member of Union’s soccer team, plans to return to campus in the fall. He is unsure about when he’ll be able to play on the soccer team again.
Matt Kelley, a sophomore, is the only Union student remaining in the hospital following the Feb. 5 tornado. On March 31, Kelley was moved from his room on the dialysis floor of Jackson-Madison County General Hospital to the hospital’s rehabilitation center.
Both Kelley and Wilson sustained serious injuries to their legs after being trapped for several hours when the Watters commons building collapsed on top of them.
“We are thankful for the progress that both David and Matt have made in recent days,” Union President David S. Dockery said. “We continue to keep them in our prayers and ask God to speed their recovery.”